Monday, January 3, 2011

Day five was great as we expected. We had our usual Morning Prayer and communion. We went into town to get gift for some of YOU. We observe their culture more with food and way of living. I noticed that the Honduran people are very strong and hard workers. They are rich in wisdom from childhood and as adults in spite of the fact they normally don’t attend school pass the six grade. The children are able to count and make money as early as 3 and 4 yrs. They were selling fruit and vegetables everywhere. I had to remind myself many times that these children were not from the states and neither was I. There were just too many children loss without the parent supervision. The work of selling different items to make a living is another level here in Honduras than in the states. Competitions are all over from taxi to road side fruit stands and markets. These people must get monies for their families and they utilize all available resources. On another note, the down town traffic has nothing on I-4 in the evening in Orlando. The cars, taxi, and city bus tries to make its way through a 2 way lane, all at the same time. They also don’t have speed limits and very little traffic signs. However, I did notice the drivers here seem to be curious of one another for the most part. Due to the fact they have so much freedom to drive as they please. They demonstrate common courtesy to one another by blowing their horns to let someone know that that they are passing or coming alongside.

After going into town, we had a debrief at the house with the host family. We receive high remarks from the host family and I know it was an act of God. We were told we were the most focus, mission driven group they had seen and met. God used us in many ways. I believe He allowed the team to redirect or focus the host family in one way or another.We later went to a church around the corner from the house for testimonial service. We agreed to allow Sabrina, our media expert to express in the spirit God gives her a testimony for all of us as for as our Honduras experience as a team. God used her in a mighty way as usual. She gave a “red carpet” testimony on behalf of Gap as a whole. Our mission statement was expressed: showing Jesus love for the Honduras people. A prayer went forth; God used me to pray for the women in the church. God stated the women will fellowship in love, peace and power; even healing. Then to save the best for last, Scott and Jim took us to a watch night service were we gave back packs to a member of the church. The church was conducted similar to the churches in the states. There was a praise and worship sung in I Spanish and English. The choir sang a song called “believe” and it was on after that. The Pastor got up ready to preach with fire with a sermon titled “all we need from the lord is one “WORD”. God also brought back the word be not afraid and keep focus during this service. The pastor used the same scripture Bishop Wiggins spoke to the team at the Sunday service the team attended at the Hope before our trip. God can and will confirm his word for his GIRLS because he loves us like that! Jesus Name, Amen.

On the last day of our journey, we started as we have in prior days, with communion and prayer.  This was always a special part of the day for me.  I may have failed to mention on my previous daily journaling that our team has been fasting from midnight to noon each of the trip.  This was, actually, a part of our preparation process.  This was initiated and encouraged by the team lead, Marshell.  We believe that by fasting, this would help us to stay fully engaged in purpose.  We wanted to remain focused so that God’s perfect will might be manifested through us.Our morning was pretty much the only time that was solely spent in the city going from street market to street market and enjoying the local culture and making whatever small purchases our little money could afford.  Hondurans, though in some ways, are very impoverished, yet they are very independent people who appear to be content and happy.  Although it was somewhat refreshing to walk among them, it quickly turned HOT.  It was beautiful with the mountains all around us.  While in town, we also got a chance to go into a local supermarket that was very much like our Publix or Winn-Dixie.  Of course, many American products were available there.  Our host family enjoys a coffee-icee drink called a grenita and wanted to, for a second time, treat us to one.  Rather than have the grenita, I chose a yummy blackberry slush drink.

Back home just in time for lunch.  Our lunches and dinners have always been on time and very good.  Our host family tried to be very accommodating in meal preparations.  We had delicious meals that included chicken and rice, steamed veggies, fried fish, fresh salads, a variety of desserts---the whole nine! One of the highlights of this day was our time of debrief.  This was our opportunity for both our team and the host family to come together and speak openly about our experience as a group.  They wanted to ensure that we had met any goals that we had set and that they helped to facilitate them.  We couldn’t say enough about the genuine love, warmth, and support shown.  They are truly dedicated servants of God.  Both couples had willing disposed of their earthly goods to be a part of foreign missions.  They, likewise, felt that we were solely missions-minded and singular in purpose.  They said that we were, by far, the most “spiritual” group that they’ve had since being there.  Smooches!!

After dinner we were off to two church services.  The 7:00 service was at a local church where we were invited to give our testimony.  We decided to have only Sabrina share by giving the mission of G.A.P. ministries.  Before leaving, We were called up to pray for the ladies of the church.  Jeannine led us in a beautiful word of prayer as we held hands in a circle.At the 10:00 service we visited a bi-linqual church in La Ceiba and the A-TEAM (as Scott our host referred to them) showed up!  Praise and worship was wonderful, but that was just an appetizer!  The man of God preached a SURE word…a Rama Word…AWESOME!  His message, “One Word”.  Amen!   
Wow! It seems like time flew by this week. We have arrived at the end of our journey on our mission trip. This trip has been a blessing and a challenge. As I reflect on the first day I arrived at the mission house I remember the initially reluctance I felt walking into the house and realizing that  I would be living in a house for a week with 3 dogs, 2 cats, 3 parrots and a monkey. Being the non-animal lover that I am, I was not amused by God’s sense of humor. One of my favorite songs is by an artist named Lecrae and it is called “Send Me I’ll Go”,  please know that God does give us our hearts desire. I recall on many occasions making this request to Him as I sung this song. Now He had granted me the opportunity and I had to get focused, fear not and just believe.  These were the words God had spoken to the team and we quickly found out how much we needed it.
This last day of the trip was a time of reflection. The team went into the city of La Ceiba for a tour of local sites and to go to the marketplace. After the tour, we returned to the mission house to conduct a debrief with our host family. We had a great session and we received no negative feedback. We give God glory for guiding us by his spirit and giving us the word on Sunday to stay focus and fear not.  I was somewhat surprised when we received all positive feedback. However, I know that when God opens a door and provides an opportunity to do his work when you are faithful to the assignment He will not let you fail. Again, we give all the glory to God for his what He has done. Later that evening the team was asked to give a testimony at a local church in El Porvenir. I spoke on behalf of GAP Ministries sharing the purpose, vision and our mission experience with the congregation. The pastor’s wife asked the ministry to come to the altar and pray for their women’s ministry and intercessory prayer group. Jeannine blessed the women with a powerful anointed prayer.

We ended the night and welcomed in the New Year receiving further confirmation from God. We attended watch night service at a church in the city of La Cieba. The church held a bilingual service in English and in Spanish. The praise and worship was truly amazing. The last selection the choir sung was called “I Believe” and it was an awesome song of praise and the anthem I have adopted for 2011. The selection was followed by a timely word from the Pastor with the title “One Word”. Oh how God moved mightily and spoke confirmation to the team through the preached word. I am grateful to God for this experience. I thankful for the growth and the joy experienced when used by Him. I am also thankful to have shared this experience with awesome women of God who have a sincere heart to please their father. May God bless everyone that prayed for us while we were in preparation and during this mission trip. Thank you for your comments and words of encouragement we appreciate them more than you know.
FEAR NOT.....And.....FOCUS!

Powerful and Prophetic Words that God spoke into the hearing of the Mission team to ensure that HIS WILL would be done. Both of these words were confirmed, manifested and they accomplished what they were intended to do; prior to our departure, while we were in Honduras and these words are still speaking to me today. FEAR NOT and FOCUS did not return to God void, but HIS words are still accomplishing what they were released into the atmosphere to do.
This entry includes highlights from day 1, 5 and the morning of day 6. Due to our return flight being delayed for approximately 3 hours we had plenty of time at the airport this morning to recap, reflect, and post to our blog.

I honestly believe that this mission trip has been right in the center of God's will. We experienced God's protection from the beginning of this journey; especially while in Honduras.

When we arrived Dec 27, one of my suit cases carrying supplies (book bags) was identified to be opened and searched by a custom official, who did not speak English. Because of the language barrier we were detained and I was questioned about the intended use of the donated school book bags. After about 10 mins I was escorted by a customs representative to look for our Honduras host family, however I was not allowed to go past the Custom's exit. After doing a visual search/ scan of the crowed area I was unable to spot our host. There where so many people standing around waiting for folks to clear customs, so it was impossible for me  to spot someone that I had never seen before in person.

When I couldn't identify anyone I must say thoughts of my team's safety plagued my thoughts and God reminded me to FOCUS; a word spoken by pastor Gabriel at the mission  team fellowship Church service. It was right at this moment, as I was being escorted back to join my team when I saw my team walking towards me. I was told we had been released to clear customs because of the language barrier. But I know without a doubt that it was because of God’s shield of protection that surrounded the team that we were allowed to exit with the supplies.

I have 20 years of various security experiences including extensive security protection training. I have also traveled abroad many times, so security protocol, awareness and safety are always on the forefront of my mind. However, the enemy will try to come up against us in the very area that God has equipped us to glorify Him.

However, thanks be to God that when all that He has allowed me understand and know has failed; IT WAS HIM THAT FAUGHT THE BATTLE AND  GOD PREVAILED AGAINST THE EMEMY!

My trust, wisdom, mind, and hope are in Christ Jesus and not in me. That is why I am extremely grateful this morning as I'm reminded of how God protected the team every step of the way.  We not experienced God's protection in customs but we witnessed His protection through every security check point while we traveled throughout the day, and from the demonic activity that surrounded us.

The customs incident reminded me of God's words "Fear Not"; words spoken over the team through Bishop Wiggins, the day before our departure.  I have a new level of faith and understanding in regards to walking under the anointing of God's words.

There were many amazing things that happen on day 5 as well:The team and amazing host family started the day with the most powerful and spirit filled  prayer, communion & fellowship, which kept us focused on Jesus and united. The team was later invited to a local church to share GAP's mission. Sabrina accepted the opportunity to share with the congregation and Jeannine prayed powerfully for all the women in the church.

Before the day ended the team met with the host family for a debrief. The family told us that our team was the most Focused team that they had ever encountered and that our presence had challenged them to refocus after being in the mission fields for years.  God opened a door at this meeting and extended an invite for GAP to return to Honduras to host/coordinate one united Prayer Revival with all some of the local Churches.

Another powerful revealing of God's hand was at the watch-night service we attended on the last night in Honduras. There were so many words spoken that specifically aligned up with God's spoken words at this service that it is impossible for me to tell of everything, so please read the posting from the other team members for more details.

In hindsight, God  knew what the team would be faced with, so in preparation for the trip He challenged the four of us to push past our own Religious barriers and myths about women leaders/followers. God was preparing us in advance, so that our minds could be further liberated, renewed and FOCUSED on HIS WILL, while in Honduras.

I'm most humbled that God united four unique women leaders together, from different Church affiliations, talent, skill sets & backgrounds to carry out His will in HIS DIVINE EXCELLENCE IN LOVE ON ONE ACCORD.

God's Mission, Purpose & Plan for GAP Ministries Honduras Mission Team was more than fulfilled. We give ALL the credit and glory to God for what HE has done through us collectively and individually.

I would just like to encourage everyone one to hold on to the vision God has given you and know that God will bring it to past. His word will never return to Him or you void. I say this to say: My husband and I were on vacation September 2010 ( 3 months prior to this mission trip)  we stopped in a town in Honduras where we saw a little boy (about 5 years of age)  without any shoes trying to sell goods. God moved me to get out of the van we were traveling in to search for a pair of flip flops for the boy, however I was not successful.  After I returned back home from vacation I was heavy because I was unable to leave the child with shoes.

Never would I have imagined in my wildest dreams that God would  have orchestrated a mission trip for me to return to be able to leave a pair of flip flops. It wasn't until 3 days into the trip that God brought this revelation and specifics of this incident to my remembrance.  WHAT A LOVING GOD WE SERVE! 
Those of you who took the time to follow the team through our blog have been an encouragement to each of us. Thanks for every prayer lifted up on behalf of me and the team, which help with keeping us kept us Fearless and Focus..

Thank you all for being an example of God's love and truly walking out Philippians 2:3-4.  AMEN

 Attack of the Munchkins

                             Prayer over Siervos de Dios boat


Outdoor kitchen at a house where we handed out school supplies

Team picture with the kids we gave school supplies

 Baby entrepreneurs selling vegetables for their family

To see all pictures please visit:

GAP Ministries Mission team would like express a special thank you to our Host Family (Susan, Scott, Ginnie and Jim) for their support of this mission trip. We love all of you guys and you will always be in our prayers.  

Muchos Gracias to our translator Amalia. We love you!

The four legged people of the La Playa Mission House
 Sister Pearl, Gator, Chilli (Dogs); Cha Cha (monkey); Charla and Catfish (Cats)

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