Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day Two Mission Ventures


Personal Team Reflections

We started out the day on a prayer walk with the host family, the focus of the walk was to anoint the surrounding community and reclaim the territory occupied by gangs and drug dealers. God worked through us as His shield of protection surrounded us as we walked through the community  and passed out tracks and prayed with local business owners who gang members have ordered a hit on. While on the walk we came across seven or eight fishermen who were hanging out in the community. Under the unction of the Holy Spirit I directed  five of the men to  stand together and allow me to pray for them collectively; as they locked arms and bowed their heads I prayed for the men individually and impart words of encouragement. As I prayed over these men, the other men who stood back witnessing the move of the Holy Spirit raised their hands surrendering to the Lord and joined the five God be the glory! Later in the day our interpreter told the team that two of the men that were a part of the prayer were usually rowdy and she could not believe how humble and obedient they behaved....Praise God! 
Later we were taken to an area were houses did not have indoor plumbing; kitchen and bathroom were outside of the wooden and fabric built houses. We saw many children walking through the mud and stagnant water bare foot to come to our location. Approximately twenty five kids gathered on the porch of one of the houses and I was blessed to see that they were very attentive and well behaved. Each older child looked out for the younger one. We were able to pass out school supplies to two boys who were  ecstatic and danced with excitement over receiving a book bag, coloring crayons and book.
In the evening we attended an intercessory prayer meeting in a church located in what we refer to as the sticks. As we traveled through a pineapple field to the church we saw a family traveling on a horse with buggy. Once we got near our destination Jim (our driver) had to back the vehicle down a dark and narrow  dirt road   to get to the church.  Once in the church the praise and worship was pure and powerful, even though we did not understand the words of the songs I felt a connection in the spirit.  The Pastor invited the mission team to speak to the church. God used us individually to speak words of edification to the church.  I was humbled to be allowed to pray for the Pastor of the church and was blessed to learn that the Pastor's vision for the church was confirmed through the words spoken through prayer.  It increased my faith the more to see God remove natural language barriers to allow us to share the love of Jesus Christ... Thank God that the love of Jesus Christ has no boundaries.  
God allowed the team to go to an all girls orphanage and gave the group an opportunity to initiate, coordinate and facilitate a skills development and character building workshop. The workshop consisted of three rotational sessions that included: child development and assessment, importance of community and economics for success and self-esteem. God used Jeannine, Hazel and Sabrina to impart hope and love in the lives of twenty five children ranging from the age of six to twenty five and staff members.

On Tuesday the team went to an orphanage where there were approximately 25 kids. I was blessed to see that the children were very respectful and well behaved. When we first arrived the parents were not present but the children were told that we were coming. The children prepared very well for our arrival by cleaning the inside living quarters and outdoors landscape. The team broke into groups; I worked first with the smaller kids’ ages 6-10 years old. They were very smart and asked a lot of questions about the states. I used a child age appropriate development assessment material to identify if there were any developmental delays with the children; I found no delays, these kids were intelligent and very mature for their age. I was impressed with how they cared for on one another and showed respect for each other during our discussion. The kids were very well mannered and showed love and kindness.
In the second group (ages 10 -15) I saw an impressive skill set amongst the young girls, they showed outstanding maturity demonstrating responsibility to maintain the orphanage in absence of adult supervision.  I also spoke with the older young ladies and encouraged them to be consistent with games that enhance the development of the younger children. I gave them several games that included: name, problem solving and communication. We met the the overseers of the orphanage David and Dalisa who blessed us with her story of how she started the orphanage.  Her heart was pure love of Jesus Christ she has a great heart for hurting children that are lost or astray. Overall it was a blessing to witness people in Honduras that serve the same God.

Although our mission ministry actually begun at 3:00am on the day of our departure where God used us to witness to and pray with a young distraught from a broken relationship, the first full day of our mission trip in Honduras was awesome! We saw God move in many ways, in the morning the team started the day with communion and team devotion. Our first assignment was a prayer walk where God used us to pray for a group of men and several bars and restaurants. I was ecstatic that God used me to lead a young lady to the Lord. Thank God for the support of an amazing interpreter .
Our visit to the orphanage was phenomenal. I saw God work through the wonderful group of ladies on the team individually and collectively. Marshell setup the team in a rotation basis where Sabrina, Jeannine and myself were used to reach and teach the children. We loved our stay and they loved our being there. God blessed us to be able to leave each child and worker with a love gift.
I fell in love with the kids and the young lady who was my interpreter and another little girl became my daughters. My culminating highlight of the day was the prayer, praise and worship service at a local church. Although the praise service was in Spanish I understood that the Spirit of God was being ushered in and that Christ was being lifted up.We each shared our purpose through a brief word of exhortation but God used Marshell mightily to pray for the pastor/women of God and speak a word of wisdom to the congregation. I believe that hearts were challenged and spirits were renewed. Oh how the people showed us their love with smiles and warm gracious hugs. I got my third daughter of the day.

Being that this is my first mission trip, I was not 100% sure what to expect but I certainly got more than I imagined on our first full day of work. Day two started early to the tune of “Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory”, this was compliments of our Host Family lady Susan. The first assignment of the day was to pray along the beach to declare and reclaim the community of El Porvenir back to God. We stood in the GAP and prayed for local businesses and God used the team mightily to minister to locals in the surrounding neighborhood.  It was amazing to see God using the team and even transcend send language barriers and demonstrate His love.

Our next assignment for the day was to speak to young kids at an orphanage and it was nothing what I envisioned. Upon entering the orphanage I was very impressed with the upkeep of the facility and also the behavior of the children. Each team lead a half hour session on various topics, I spoke with the kids about respecting their community and understanding it impact. I was quite amazed at their intelligence level and how responsive they were during the discussion. At the end of the session the team was able to meet the founders of the orphanage and I quickly realized how these kids were able to demonstrate such high intelligence and maturity. The founders of the orphanage were two of the most amazing people I have ever met. The children at the orphanage are evidence of how two people who demonstrate the love of God can impact and change the lives of others. Our first day of missionary work was truly a confirmation that we had obeyed God and had followed His call to perform a work in Honduras.


  1. I am so moved by the works that you ladies are doing in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As I read your experiences I thank the Almighty for continuing to place his arms of protection His spirit of guidance around each of you. It is truly amazing how AWESOME his Holy Spirit is.

    Stay blessed my sisters,

    Love you.

  2. I am so blessed to see my grandma happy and doing the Lord's work! She is letting her light shine to other children just as she had done to me all my life. Thanks grandma for being a great example of what a woman of God should be. I love you and can't wait for you to tell me about your whole experience.

    Love Kianna

  3. To God be the glory...little did I know in raising my daughter Marshell to be compassionate, caring, and humble that she would one day be a minister far less be in a 3rd world country doing God's work. I knew she was special from little but how special I didn't know until now. I've prayed that God sends his angels to wrap their wings around each and every one of you for your safe return. You are truly extra ordinary soilders of God.

    -Marshell's Mommy-
