Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Day Two Morning Recap

We made it after traveling three hours from the airport to the mission house on Monday. We have settled in with three dogs and two cats who roam freely throughout the home. We also have the pleasure of sharing the home with three parrots and one monkey. We are all sharing the same room, sleeping in bunk beds but all is  ok. God has done exceedlingly what we could have hoped for this mission trip.

Now we understand the word spoken on Sunday by Bishop Wiggings of fear not and focus.

Day Two Morning Adventures...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mom, How are you? It seems as if you are enjoying yourself. I miss you and can't wait to see you and hear all the stories about your trip. Is their a way we can chat from the blog. I'm so proud of what you are doing, I love you and again can't wait for you to come back. Love your daughter!
