Monday, December 27, 2010

G.A.P Honduras Mission Trip First Adventure - OIA


  1. The team looks great. I know that God has his hand over the entire team. You will be safe and will touch many lives. God Bless.

  2. Praise be to God Almighty in the Name of Jesus that he has chosen you determined love in Christ warriors to go out and be lights to the gentiles.
    I pray God's anointing on Venetia to lead this pray-filled team to preach and witness for JESUS.
    God has positioned all your footsteps in favor, going in and coming out! Through your willingness and submission many souls will be saved by the Blood of Jesus. We pray for a righteous Honduras in Christ Jesus. God bless you all. Nancy and I missed you on Sunday at Hope Church. We were there at 11.00 until 1.00 pm. We continue to under gird you all in prayer. Amen.

  3. We are all praying that you have a successful trip in the name of our Lord and Jesus Christ.

    Many blessings to you and the people of Hunduras.
